6/19/18 Show feat. Bora Yoon on Making Spaces with Sound

Featured image: Voices and sounds resonate through the Princeton University Chapel, as explored by Bora Yoon haunting its stairwells and alcoves.

This week on These Vibes, we open up to music and space with Bora Yoon, experimental multi-instrumentalist and Princeton Department of Music doctoral fellow. Hear Bora’s “sonic surrealism” where architecture meets sound, from the celestial Princeton chapel to the guttural “Little Box of Horrors.” We listen to (and occasionally narrate) the dimensions of these sound installations, wherein Bora mixes recordings of animals, heartbeats, voicemails, and illustrious instruments like wind chimes and music boxes. TalksThe compositions meld tensions, storytelling and environment—thanks Bora for sharing your musical methods in-depth!

In other news:

The playlist can be found on WPRB.com or below.

Screenshot from 2018-07-24 13-06-10